Anointed of God PATHFINDERS of Elijah, Inc. 
Chapter Forty One – Astral Projection!

Each and every word, statement and claim Verified by The Most High, Himself!
The Whole and Ancient Truth you were never told and were FORBIDDEN to question!
Over 40% Translated out of Angelic, the Language of the Heavens.

Wisdom as Ancient as all Creation!

More Powerful than the Bible, Qur'an, Bhagavad Gita
Lankavatara Sutra, Upanishads and Tipitaka combined.
Exposing false prophets, Doctrines of Death and demonic-possessions
of Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, Ashkenazis, Buddhism,
Politicians, Priests, Preachers and other liars.



7339      ""Shout among yourselves as much as you wish; whine and moan your agonies until the lack of breath consumes you; pray and invoke every name under heaven until all your strength is exhausted; clang your instruments until the whole of you are in frenzy; light every candle, burn every incense, ring every bell, dress in every costume, and all of it shall avail you nothing of True Spirit.  In your hypocrisies attend every gathering; agree with every word from the self-appointeds; gossip until your wagging tongues are stiff with use; mock and denigrate the poor and the weak until they flee from your presence in preference to endure their hunger than your self-righteousness; deliver My Holy Due into unrighteous hands until they cannot carry it, and none of it shall avail you one twit of True Spirit.
7340      ""For all these things are of the religions of man and are nothing of True Spirit.
7341      ""Yea!  True Spirit is of Me and My Holy Law and of the many Realms of My Creation, the Heavens above the Earth, the far reaches of Earth, and all the Depths beneath all the Earth where suffering is ordained and escape is impossible.  Therefore, bring even your little ones into understanding of Me and My Holy Law and My Righteous Ones among you.""


7342      This is the chapter that separates all the nay-sayers, self-appointed holier-than-thous, fools, demonic possessed and all the unrighteous and gives them their proper come-uppance!
7343      This is the chapter where each and every person, who wants to, can develop themselves to go UP IN THE SPIRIT (even if DOWN in the Depths of Hell) and verify all these things for themselves.
7344      This is the chapter that leaves all the christians, kak-jews, yea-niggers, supremacists, socialists, communists, fascists, marxists, politicians, bureaucrats, manipulators, journalists, fools, the vain, the vile, the corrupt, the wicked, the evil, all priests, teachers, ministers, preachers and other liars without a grain of dust to stand on.
7345      If you're one of those to whom The Word of The Most High isn't sufficient, this is the chapter that tells you EXACTLY how to go see for yourself!  If so much as one letter or word in this entire book were false or based on knowingly false information, this is the one chapter we would dare not print!  But here it is.  Complete, and without any qualms on our part.
7346      WARNING!
7347      If you cannot become a Proven Knower of The Great Testimony, and WILL NOT use this offer to KNOW the Truth for yourself:  THEN DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DENIGRATE EVEN SO MUCH AS ONE LETTER IN THIS HOLY WORK!
7348      Getting yourself in Righteous Order is a matter of your own discipline, and THAT is about all it takes to become a True Proven Knower.  The contents of this chapter are evidence AGAINST all those who will not prove these things to themselves.
7349      Astral projection is the metaphysician's term for the Biblical UP IN THE SPIRIT which was where The Prophets Daniel, Ezekiel and St. John, The Divine (and all the others!) – saw their visions, and where Immanuel was during the transfiguration and during the time when Lucifer showed him all the Kingdoms of the world during the temptation.
7350      The Bible translators said Immanuel was taken up on an exceedingly high mountain and there shown all the Kingdoms of the World; but no such physical place, mountain or otherwise, exists that has a view of all the continents!  And, every continent had at least one 'Kingdom' at that time!
7351      Then too, there is the fact that Immanuel saw all these Kingdoms in a moment of time! Either that had to be the fastest slide show ever presented since 'all the glories' of those Kingdoms were included, or that 'high mountain' could have won the Indianapolis 500!  If so, we'll bet the squealing in the curves was awesome!
7352      Needless to say, neither is the case.
7353      Immanuel and Lucifer were on an exceedingly High Plane of Heaven!  They were UP IN THE SPIRIT wherefore Immanuel paid the penalty that anyone who wants to can enter and return at will!
7354      The process is simple, but it takes practice, and it takes correct practice!


7355      One of the most astounding facts of Spiritual Knowledge is:  every soul has a Spiritual Body for each and every Plane of Existence!  It's normally called an astral body due to its star-like glow and quality.  The composite of ALL your bodies is called the over soul which can deliver a great deal of protection unless you are hell bent on doing something stupid or evil.
7356      That there is more than "one" Heaven completely astounds the 'christians', but so does everything else of True Spiritual Law!  Even the fact that in their own Bible:  II Corinthians 12, documents Paul (actually an instance of Peter, since 'Paul' didn't exist) as knowing a man who could reach up to the Third Heaven where the man saw and learned things it was against the law to even talk about!  Roman Law then, and Catholic Church Law now, in case you are wanting to know!
7357      That's where all the 'bunko statutes' came from to muzzle LEGITIMATE Spiritualists and brand them all as bogus.  The slimy bastards are always looking to do the same thing to This Holy Order and The Anointed, but The Anointed's ability to lay Masons, Knights of Columbus, Temple Israel and their damnable minions in a very quick and totally inescapable grave followed by a very long term burning in Hell keeps most of the more intelligent bastards at bay.
7358      You will also note when you read the chapter that the author repeats the part about in the body – out of the body, indicating that he didn't remember at the time of writing whether the man was out and the author was in; the author was out and the man was in; they were both out; or they both were in their bodies, since it had been more than fourteen years before the time the record was written down.
7359      Even a cursory reading will make this point clear to anyone who will read it without closed-minded, pagan 'christian' injections.
7360      Even so, there are many Planes of Heaven!
7361      The differences between the Planes of Heaven are primarily their specific vibration rates or frequency range!  In layman's terms they are somewhat like the channels of television and broadcast frequencies of radio – even to the fact that all the available signals are present in the antenna at the same time.
7362      The Planes of Heaven and the Depths of Hell all occupy the same space at the same time.  Generally speaking, they are separated only by their different frequencies, but the Physical Earth Plane is the gulf between Heaven and Hell!
7363      This Physical Earth Plane is accessible to angels and demons alike, and will remain so until the binding!  However, those that are under Judgment either to Hell or the Heavens cannot cross this Earth Plane gulf in either direction.  They can see and communicate across this Earth Plane, but that's all.  And Lucifer often forces some to communicate with people still alive on earth!
7364      The Planes of Heaven that you will initially be concerned with are those immediately above the Earth Plane.  The Depths of Hell we'll consider in this course of study are those immediately below the earth.
7365      The Highest Heaven you can reach without special knowledge and proven spiritual capabilities is the Lower Abstract Plane called Hasannah (HA-SAN-NAH which means in the Highest) in the language of the Heavens known as Angelic.  It is about as far down as most Heavenly beings come of their own accord, and about as far up as the demons venture that have the power to get even this high.

7366      [INSERT:  The Abstract Planes and High Realms, above Hasannah, are so many they do not have either names or titles in any physical language.]

7367      Even so, in this Plane you can communicate with High Beings.  This is the Plane where Daniel saw the visions and talked with the Archangels.  It is also the Plane where St. John, The Divine, experienced what is written in the Book of Revelation.  Daniel and St. John were on this Plane of themselves, and were taken higher for some parts of their visions.
7368      The next Plane of Heaven downward is the Causal, HA-KAR-MAH in Angelic, and from which we get the word karma. This is the Plane of Cause and Effect that is responsible for every situation on earth.  Immanuel explained its effect as:  'whatsoever you sow, that shall you also reap'; even though it might take three and four generations.
7369      As for 'karma', that is the cop-out of the metaphysicians who can't deliver!  Just like when the 'christians' "powers of gee-sus" fail, they claim in chorus, "you didn't believe enough!" Metaphysicians excuse their world-dripping-with-honey inabilities with, "it's your karma"!
7370      Beneath the Causal Plane is the Mental Plane of Heaven, ID-EE-AH in Angelic, and from which we get the words "id" meaning mind, and idea, meaning a revelation from the mind. Here you can see the mental processes at work as flowing colors of light energy.  This is one of the most spectacularly beautiful Heavens.
7371      Here you can learn the various colors that are absolute representations of the true situation and condition!  Every thought, action, thing or object, life form, and motive has a specific color that tells exactly what it's all about in infinite detail.
7372      When psychics read the human aura it is these colors that give them their information.  Whether they read them accurately or not is a problem with the scientist rather than the science!
7373      Below the Mental Plane are two Planes that most confuse as being one!  The upper of the two is the Higher Astral, HES-STER-AH in Angelic, and can best be identified by the white light that is the normal background of the Plane's undisturbed colors and material.
7374      The lower of the two is the Lower Astral, and the main difference in appearance is that its background color is solid black!  The Angelic name is HAS-STER-AH, and it is this Plane that holds those mysterious scenes portrayed in the Major Arcana of tarot cards.
7375      The Plane below the Astrals is also the First Heaven, the Etheric Plane, HATH-THOR in Angelic.  From this Plane you can see everything that exists on the earth, and those spiritual entities that are the souls of every living thing from microscopic to the giant sequoia.  It is these spiritual entities that founded the basis for the reputedly legendary elves, elemental satyrs and setyrs, and of course leprechauns!  This Plane is about as high as most psychics can 'see', and accounts for most of their blivit-headed, asinine and generally inaccurate predictions.
7376      Again, the problem is with the scientist and not the science.
7377      The next Plane is this Earth Level, and we hope you are familiar with it.  Some people aren't!


7378      The first Depth of Hell below the Earth is the Deros (DEE-ROS) and is where the consciousness descends at death when influenced by drugs, narcotics, or a soap-opera suicide.  Those who give their lives in the attempt to save others' lives, or in defense of God's Holy Laws, go up to Hasannah!
7379      From this Level of Hell come most of the Oui-Ja board communications, but certainly not all of them!  The material of both the Etheric Plane and the Deros Depth can be seen easily from the Earth or Physical Plane and are usually the manifestations experienced by those people who return from 'clinical' deaths poo-pooed as near death experiences by the medical community.
7380      The next Depth is Danaka (DA-NAK-KA), and it is from here that the bearded Jesus, Mary, and ectoplasm 'spirits' are formed to be 'seen' and 'communicated with' during seances or Christian 'religious' experiences.  This is an ideal Depth for Lucifer to perform such manifestations from, as here his authority isn't questioned, and the material can be taken or sent up to the Earth Level without leaving a trace of its origin and intent in the Higher Heavens, except in the Akashic Records!
7381      The third Depth is Hadesse (HA-DESS-EE), and is where the actual earned karma is clarified in the minds of those souls that shall suffer only for a short season.  It's this Depth where a consciousness is held when embound in a dead body, even if the body has been cremated.
7382      The horrors of that situation are nothing when compared to the next Depth but countless entities and souls are needlessly embound here by being prayed for "in the name of gee-sus" at their funerals; having the body, coffin or grave sprinkled with 'holy water' or 'holy oil' made by any other process than Mosaic Law; or being buried (which includes disposition of cremated remains!) "in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection" that really won't be so pleasant for those who are only resurrected to stand Final Judgment!  This is where all those who 'died in christ' or were duly 'crossed' by That Great Babylonian Harlot at Rome's minions get to spend a very long and agonizing tour; even if they did the 'crossing' themselves!  Let us hope that is all they have against them.
7383      Make no mistake about these vile and demonic processes!
7384      They are demonic in origin and therefore cannot produce any other than a demonic result!  If you don't think so, then learn to project and go see for yourself.
7385      If you do, you will not ever again tolerate 'christians' or any other pagans!
7386      The sufferings of being trapped in a rotting corpse that your consciousness level is down too far to do anything about is bad enough; but to have your trapped soul burning in the process when you don't deserve to be is unspeakable!
7387      And the next Depth down, Gehenna (GEH-HEN-NAH), is where those who permit such sufferings to be inflicted upon those undeserving pay their penalty for it!
7388      Gehenna was also the name of the huge garbage dump outside the city walls of Jerusalem that burned night and day for over 600 years, and was often used as a visual example of Hell.  The only problem is Gehenna at Jerusalem also burned dead bodies of the poor and abandoned – until a potter's (pauper's) graveyard was established, reportedly with the returned thirty pieces of silver paid to Judas for identifying Immanuel – and smelled a whole lot sweeter than this Depth Beneath the Earth!
7389      Since the destruction of the Temple of the Sages by The Anointed on the Day of The Anointing, all those who formerly were punished there:  nuns and priests, members of the Masonic and Knights of Columbus Lodges and Temple Israel (except judges and attorneys), Rosicrucians, Satan or Demonic Orders of Witches and Sorcerers – including Wicca – now burn here, along with all those 'christians' who have deluded themselves with self-hypnosis into thinking they have 'been saved' and/or baptized by the Holy Spirit of Truth; which if they had, they wouldn't be participants in Babylonian paganistic practices in direct violation of Holy Law, of which "praising gee-sus" is one!
7390      Heleeah (HE-LEE-AH), is the next lower Depth, and is mainly the first torture level where victims are induced to appear on the Earth Plane to seduce relatives, friends, and anyone else that can be fooled into thinking that they have entered 'Heaven with the Lord':  suggesting the kind of life they lived was righteous enough to be a good example to follow; or that the religion they practiced while alive is the 'only religion the Lord accepts' or any other dupe that will work to entrap those ignorant enough to buy it.
7391      One thing is for sure and certain:  the tortures used here will induce anybody to do anything!  Even a promise to be permitted to 'go up a level for just a moment' is more of a bargain than the penalty would seem for obtaining a soul for Lucifer!
7392      And when the agony level is severe enough, long enough, and without a letup, you will sell your only child or your saintly grandmother for just one moment of relief!  And you will put on a performance of such perfection that Academy Award winners would look like a Kindergarten P.T.A. production by comparison.
7393      Below this Depth is Hapurdom (HAH-PUR-DOM), where all 'good christians', hypocrites, adulterers, rapists, thieves, murderers (with the exception of 'official' murderers:  evidence-manufacturing police, knowing prosecutors, knowing attorneys, court judges, et cetera), abusers of children, lesbians and homosexuals who perform the acts, and all those that do not call injustice into account, are sent in Eternal Condemnation.
7394      This is where we get our word purgatory, and the place is also where we get the legend of sulfuric and burning brimstone.  However, just one smell or look at this place and you will realize that it's not a legend, it's a fact; and the horrific temperature is the most pleasant situation there!
7395      You will not want but one look at this place!
7396      And finally, the very bottom, Perditon.  Here you can look and see down into this Depth where supremacists, socialists, communists, fascists, marxists, liberals, racemixers, politicians and other traitors, court judges, attorneys, corrupt accountants, bureaucrats, manipulators, enslavers, child rapists, child murderers, priests, ministers, preachers and other liars, and all the false Prophets and false Theologians burn in horrible and indescribable sufferings!
7397      You will note that we said, "look and see down into this Depth" and that's just exactly what we mean!
7398      For this is the sanctuary of Lucifer, and without special knowledge, from here no victim ever returns!
7399      It takes special knowledge and considerable power to even be escorted past this place, so take warning, "Walk carefully, Oh, fool, for even the Angels of The Presence do not venture brazenly!"  (From the Egypt scroll.)
7400      The Anointed Witness of This Generation of Fire has both special knowledge and special appointment, both by earned right; as do Angels of The Presence, and even though they may enter here and kick the pants off some devil or other, they do not venture here just for the Hell of it (no pun intended)!
7401      Now, since both the Etheric Plane and the Deros Depth overlap the Earth Plane as well as having area of their own, nothing escapes sight of Heaven or Hell!
7402      Danaka and Hadesse will both be combined with the Lower Depths following Final Judgment, and All the Depths of Hell will be as Perditon, explained below.  Nothing is going to escape That Final Judgment, and nobody deserving to be in the Lowest Depths of Hell:  manipulators, supremacists, socialists, communists, fascists, marxists, liberals, politicians, court judges, corrupt police, bureaucrats, journalists, the vain, the vile, the corrupt, the wicked, the evil, the cowards, all the fools, all the 'priests', all the 'teachers', all the 'ministers', all the false 'prophets', all the 'preachers' and all the other liars, are going to escape one instant of Eternal Burning Hell or any of Hell's many other horrors!


7403      And, near the Mental Plane there is a long, smoky, blue-gray object like a long tunnel that contains The Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths!  It's the Akashic Records!
7404      It is known as the Reflecting Ether by the psychic community, and as The Book of Life in the Bible.  You can enter it and travel both backwards and forward in time!  The past is unchangeable, but the future can be changed simply by changing one's thinking.  This absolute Book of Life cannot be changed from within it, but only by direct changes in thought, attitude and action beyond it.
7405      Understand that:  the past is recorded in infinite detail and cannot be changed; the future is recorded as past and present thinking will determine it to be if there are no efforts made to change that thinking.
7406      There is a turn-around period for past thinking to run its course, but only as long as it takes one to effect corrective measures and undo past mistakes.  Those events that are only a few days or hours in the future usually are not changed; not because they can't be, but because one does not have the knowledge or experience to redirect those forces.  The more distant future is easier to handle.
7407      It gives one time to learn which thought pattern produces which result.  Why that should take time is a result of 'hallelujah halfwit' programming, filling our minds (and airwaves!) with so much injected guilt that we are no longer able to recognize simple truth when we find it.  The simple process to changing our thinking to change our future is to:  think about what you do want, and don't think about what you don't want.  If you find yourself pondering those things you don't want, then take the time to erase those thoughts and replace them with thoughts about what you do want!
7408      However, some future events would require every living human on earth to change!  The thought patterns have been directed to these ends for centuries, and it would require a great deal more than wishful thinking to redirect those forces and avoid those events.
7409      Travel along the Reflecting Ether is rather a simple matter, regardless of which direction you wish to venture, and in fact, you already have experience in this respect!
7410      Have you ever experienced a familiar?  You were talking to someone, visiting someplace, under exact conditions that you realize you've done this before; yet knowing you haven't!  In some instances it would have been impossible to have had this experience prior to the familiar where for a few seconds everything is like an instant replay.  These 'familiars' are called Deja Vu (DAY-ZSA VOO), and regardless of all the psychiatrists' and psychologists' claims to the contrary, they are caused by one of two sets of conditions; both requiring the person experiencing the Deja Vu to have been forward in time!
7411      And, most people can only go forward in time along the Reflecting Ether; at least in their natural state while stuck here in the present.  Further, since dreams are spiritual experiences, here's how the process works:
7412      Everybody dreams!  Some people don't remember them, but they dream nevertheless.  While in a sleep state, the consciousness drifts up and down the awareness state, and about every hour and a half, about every ninety minutes or so, and when aware enough, we have dreams, some of which we remember.  Memory can be activated even if we don't always recall it upon awakening.
7413      Now that we know that everyone projects naturally during sleep, and if a person doesn't dream then they will first suffer DTs (delirium tremens), dreaming while wide awake.
7414      The astral (spiritual) bodies travel all over the place in our sleep states, in the process of recharging themselves.  And since those astral bodies are always in the Planes of Heaven, they are quite familiar with all the strange things that happen there.  Traveling along the Reflecting Ether is common since we all wonder of what the future holds for us.
7415      While forward in time the consciousness sees or experiences something concerning itself that raises the awareness to the point of memory.
7416      When the Deja Vu happens on the Earth Plane it lasts only for a few seconds, a minute at most, because of one of the two causes mentioned previously:
7417      Either those few seconds were all the experience in an awareness state sufficient to cause memory, or:  those few seconds were all that was left of the experience that was unchanged by subsequent thinking!
7418      And that's a simple Law of God!
7419      Here's how to do it deliberately and under full conscious control.  It is simple, safe, and when combined with The Proof of The Anointing gives one tremendous inner-security and a total absence of the fear of death.
7420      The process of traveling in either direction while in the Reflecting Ether is simply to float along whichever direction you choose!  Should you want to review a given event again, simply reverse yourself and watch it again as you 'glide' by.  You can stop by simply stopping!
7421      In both the Past, Present and Future you can even walk around and through the images.  Those in the Present and Future may change while you are looking at it since it changes instantly to changes in thought!  Those in the Past cannot change as they are forever frozen in the time-frame.  You will find that you can't change so much as one iota of anything you see there, but you can sure see all the details!
7422      Here are a few suggestions to look for:
7423      Where AIDS really came from and who paid the bills to have it spread;
7424      The reputed 'economic summit' just before we were sucked into Operation Desert Storm in Iraq;
7425      The Robert Kennedy murder and especially the cover-up;
7426      The Martin Luther King execution and the railroading of James Earl Ray;
7427      The President John F. Kennedy execution in Dallas, Lyndon Banes Johnson heavily involved in the conspiracy to murder the President and the subsequent cover-up that is still going on;
7428      The Marilyn Monroe murder and cover-up;
7429      The White House sellout of the nation and especially at Pearl Harbor;
7430      The actual battle and Lincoln's address at the famed Civil War Battleground at Gettysburg;
7431      The Big Three meeting at Yalta;
7432      The formation of our own jackass Federal Reserve System and who really owns it;
7433      The Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. that formulated the plan to create the Dark Ages so the Roman Empire could eventually emerge as 'the Catholic Church';
7434      The actual 'trials' and execution of Immanuel ben Joseph ben Nazaratti, better known as, the Crucifixion of Christ;
7435      What Jeremiah and fellows actually did with the Ark of the Covenant before the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians;
7436      The many direct two-way conversations between The Most High and the Priests of the Temple and Tabernacle;
7437      The Dedications of the Ark, Temple and Tabernacle;
7438      The actual receiving of the Ten Commandments and what actually happened;
7439      The several Plagues in Egypt prior to the Exodus and how long that really took;
7440      The actual conversations between The Most High and our Great Patriarch Abraham;
7441      The actual conversations between The Most High and our Great Patriarch Abraham's grandson, Jacob, even though communicated through Gabriel;
7442      The Great Deluge in Mesopotamia and what the Ark of Noah really looked like and where it really rests;
7443      The building of the Great Pyramid of Cheops at Gizeh, Egypt, when and how it was actually built and by whom;
7444      The Ruby Ridge slaughter by government agents, the subsequent public cover-up by Congress via their so-called 'hearings' where not one relevant question was asked of the murdering bastards, and the pre-hearing briefings of those on the committee;
7445      The Waco Branch Davidian slaughter by government agents, the subsequent public cover-up by Congress via their so-called 'hearings' where not one relevant question was asked of the murdering bastards, and the pre-hearing briefings of those on the committee (No!  This is not a mis-print from above nor a broken record!);
7446      The bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma City by government agents, and all the 'terrorism' legislation as a result, and then compare it to the burning of the Reichstag by Nazis to 'legislate' total government control over the populace to eliminate any and all opposition!  (Yes!  This atrocity, known as the American Reichstag, is a broken record attempt by this government to duplicate the success by the Nazi government to force one more layer of Legislated Enslavement on behalf of the New World Order of One World Government!  In short, they legislate jackass laws to persecute, silence, imprison and murder anyone and everyone who dares disagree with even the slightest element of government!);
7447      The actual location of O. J. Simpson when he called Paula Barbieri at 10:05 P.M., June 12th, 1994, the night of the murders – and the infinite collusion and conspiracy between Levite and Judean-controlled organized crime elements (Myth is:  Italians.  Truth is:  Italians controlled and manipulated by Jews!) and police departments then layered by the courts (not only in Los Angeles but everywhere else too!);
7448      And countless other Great Events in Mankind's History:  none of which were by natural means as each were the result of someone's manipulations!
7449      It's all there in the unchangeable Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths for all to view.


7450      First, you must establish a series of places or stations; the first being where you will begin and end your practice travels; the rest being specifically for the exercise of one of your 'physical' senses:  touch, smell, hearing, and taste.  You are using sight all the time, but a place/station for visual practice too certainly will not hurt.
7451      You will need to establish a series of places/stations along a familiar route within your own home, staying away from mirrors until you have some hard expertise.  Mirrors are not dangerous, they just distort what you are trying to develop.  So avoid using them as a place/station.
7452      Each place/station should be a point to exercise ONE of the senses, sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch, then you need only to work this route.  Practice each sense at its given point to soon accomplish the most desired of all abilities:  UP IN THE SPIRIT, aka astral projection, or entering the Planes of Heaven!  Immanuel, whom the pagans call 'Jesus', clearly said the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, meaning within reach, now accessible!
7453      DO NOT inject a bunch of paganistic prayers, white light, or other such jackass nonsense!
7454      You need to practice in the PHYSICAL body as well as the SPIRITUAL body, so establish your places/stations along a route that you can travel easily in your physical body without solid walls that must be walked through.  In the initial stages, even closed doors might be a problem, so avoid them if possible.  It's a good idea to use objects that do not have to be moved, photographs, plants, et cetera:  and DO NOT buy yourself an ad as to what you are doing!  Inject a stupid mind into anything and it's guaranteed to fail!
7455      A person should be undisturbed.  A person should also walk the route in their physical body, and duplicate each and every move during practice consistently.  There should be a permanent starting place/station, from a bed, or comfortable chair, from which one can begin and end each practice session.
7456      DO NOT change the process of your PHYSICAL practice!  You will need that EXACT process when you begin your SPIRITUAL practice.
7457      If you get up out of your chair with your right foot first, THEN ALWAYS GET UP OUT OF YOUR CHAIR WITH YOUR RIGHT FOOT FIRST!  Simple as that.
7458      Just go to the place/station where you will practice from, a comfortable chair or even your bed.  Settle yourself in it as you would naturally, and close your eyes.  Take a moment or two to mentally visualize your physical body exactly as it's situated at that moment.
7459      Now, open your eyes (so you can see where you are going!) and get up from your place/station of rest, taking in for future reference all the physical movements:  which foot you move first, how you shift your weight, et cetera.
7460      Now, physically walk your route, stopping at each and every place/station in turn, studying each one intently, until you are thoroughly and completely familiar with it, and then move on to the next place/station.
7461      When you reach the end, return along your route in the opposite direction, again taking in each place/station, but now in reverse order on your way back to where you began.  When you reach your starting place/station, again settle yourself into it, close your eyes and visualize your physical body as you did in the beginning, then open your eyes!
7462      During practice you will always be using your sight, and eventually all your senses will tend to merge into one super-sense where you taste, smell, feel, hear and see all at the same time.
7463      Establish a time to practice when you will not be disturbed, and, if possible at a time when nobody else even knows you're up to something.  Thoughts from any other mind, regardless of how sympathetic, are usually detrimental; because no two people see anything exactly alike since no two people have experienced exactly the same set of circumstances at the same place at the same time at the same age under the same conditions.
7464      However, cooperative husband/wife family group practices have proven more successful than practice with 'partners' or strangers!
7465      The only exceptions have been when outsiders:  friends, neighbors or other family relations found out about those 'wikked' doings (usually by big-mouthed brats or soap-opera addicted women!) and injected the idiocies of their paganistic Christian thoughts into someone else's business!
7466      One injected point here:  the thoughts of a dim-witted dunce are just as powerful as those of the most brilliant mind!  And they are easier to avoid than to fight.
7467      Your own spiritual development will require all the energies you can apply, so there's none to waste on the idiot elements.
7468      Once you have your places/stations established along a route inside your home, and a place/station to practice from inside your home, you are ready to begin.
7469      This is your PHYSICAL body practice!


7470      Now, you are ready for SPIRITUAL body sessions.
7471      DO NOT inject a bunch of paganistic prayers, white light, or other such jackass nonsense!  Spiritual body practices are exactly like the physical practices except in the spiritual sessions, when you settle yourself in or on your starting place/station, you close your eyes and keep them closed VISUALIZING AN IMAGE of your physical body traveling the route!
7472      Make this 'visualization' (spiritual) practice as close to your physical practice as possible (which foot did you use first?).  However, when you practice this visual spiritual part:  don't lay there and visualize an image of yourself in one place while you are clearly seeing your physical body in another!
7473      Visualize the room and all its contents in your spiritual body from the very same position you would see it if you were in that same place/station in your physical body!  REPEAT: Visualize the room and all its contents in your SPIRITUAL body from the very same position you would see it if you were in that same place/station in your PHYSICAL body!
7474      That's why you walk your route in the PHYSICAL body!  So you can observe what is where and the point from which you view it as you walk your route in your PHYSICAL body!  For instance:  if your dresser is directly across the room from your starting place/station, then it can't be directly across the room from place/station number three!  It has to be at some other angle of view!
7475      When you are doing your SPIRITUAL practice you have to operate in your SPIRITUAL body just like you operate in your PHYSICAL body all the rest of the time!
7476      Once you have mentally traversed the route and returned, settle that SPIRITUAL body into your PHYSICAL body.  Reconnect the SPIRITUAL body you visualized with your PHYSICAL body simply by opening your eyes!  Using the Etheric Body is just that easy.  Visualize it, and it works!
7477      This is your SPIRITUAL body practice!
7478      You are always spiritually 'connected' to your physical body by a silver cord made of light energy that has no known distance limits, and you will always return to your physical body if you practice properly.  At some point in time you may, and you can, project out to wherever you want to be and stay there until Judgment!
7479      With practice, you will soon experience a change of consciousness, finding yourself fully conscious in both your physical body and your spiritual body at the same time!  A bit more practice and you can shift your consciousness to your Etheric Body anytime, at will in or out of your physical body.
7480      RECAP: Visualize the spiritual body getting up out of the physical body, moving along the entire route place/station by place/station and back again, place/station by place/station!  'Reconnection' is the easiest part.  Simply put the envisioned body back in the same position as the physical, and open your eyes!
7481      If you are interrupted during practice, return by the most direct route, regardless of obstacles!  Reconnect your bodies and then handle the interruption.
7482      Practice every day, preferably at the same time of day, but practice! Both in the physical and in the spiritual!
7483      This method will not fail if it is done properly and consistently!  It may take time, but it will work eventually!
7484      One word of caution:  stay around and within your own home until you have gained some experience!  With more practice you will eventually project to any given Plane at will!
7485      You have a spiritual body that coincides with each Plane of Heaven and Depth of Hell; a body for each Plane and Depth; and with practice you can project your consciousness to any one you want, or change to any one from any other while you are 'out'.
7487      Do not venture beyond your own surroundings for the initial stages of your out-of-body practice.  You will have plenty to learn and study within the confines of your own property!  And, just because you achieved some conscious transfer is no reason or excuse to stop the physical and spiritual practice along your route.  You need all the experience you can get.
7488      Do not venture into the presence of women of child-bearing age outside your property!  Nor inside your property either if they're not a full and knowing participant of your practices!  There are demons galore waiting to be incarnated in a physical body, and they're expert at using available life forces – which your conscious presence is an ideal – and attaching themselves to the female aura from where they will be incarnated should the female ever give birth.  And those demons will act solely for their own ends; and they'll take instant advantage of anyone stupid enough to give them the chance!  And once they've begun, they'll never let you go until Judgment day!  It was just such a series of demons that Immanuel had to eject when his Disciples failed, telling them that this kind of demon can only be removed by prayer and fasting (practice and development) and The Anointed will not remove them for you.  It's your stupidity and you will live with it.
7489      And YES!  There can be more than one demon in a body at the same time, even in a birth-connection situation we've just warned you to avoid!  That's one of those situations that's easier to avoid than to undo!
7490      Those are the only dangers' you will encounter if you tend to your own business!  A moral person would not violate another's being or property on the Earth Physical Plane, and being able to operate invisibly and unencumbered by physical barriers, time, or distance, is no excuse for doing otherwise.
7491      Practice at or near the same time every day and you will find yourself progressing at a better rate than if done haphazardly.


7492      As you begin to develop, your many other spiritual abilities will emerge!  Everyone has latent psychic abilities, and the one nearest the surface of one's being will emerge first!
7493      AND, THAT'S A PROBLEM!
7494      You can' t develop more than one ability at a time, so for the present, while you are practicing this basis of all other Spiritual Knowledge and Abilities, namely astral projection, leave these emerging powers and abilities alone; they will not go away.  They'll still be there when you are far better prepared to develop them and they'll come of themselves in time.  Don't ignore or suppress them, just take them as they come without getting off on a goose chase with them.
7495      Get sidetracked into one of these tangents and you are apt as not to lose it all and have to begin again while you undo the damage of bad habits and bad thoughts!  These abilities will develop of themselves as you practice and will soon accept them as normal, even though they're anything but.  Keep those abilities to yourself ("SECRET") and they'll develop faster and with more effectiveness.  However, you can go off halfcocked if you want to; just remember, if you fail:  It's your own fault!
7496      Now for a final recap:
7497      Get a place/station to begin and end your practice trips and practice from the same place/station, at the same time, in both the physical body first, and the spiritual body immediately after.  You can make as many spiritual excursions as you like, but always try to make at least one physical traverse of your route each day.
7498      Make sure you have a place/station for each sense that is prepared in such manner as to exercise that sense in your spiritual body.
7499      And use common sense!
7500      It's a little asinine to attempt to smell a clock at one place/station and to attempt to hear a clove of garlic at the next!  Anyone that stupid is going to Die the Death of Damned Foolishness regardless of what they're taught, or who attempts to teach them.
7501      The more inconspicuous your places/stations are to any visitors, the better.  That's just one less batch of negative energies you will have to overcome!
7502      Once you are free of your physical body, study the Spiritual Plane materials that are the energies of physical material.
7503      Practice walking through walls and other barriers within your own boundaries; try to see objects and events at greater distances than would be otherwise be possible:  and you will find that the farther away they are the larger they will appear!  Just like in the little clairvoyant training practice with your Spiritual (Third) Eye mentioned earlier.
7504      With practice you will learn which earth colors produce which spirit colors.  Spirit Plane colors are usually florescent and all but indescribable!  In fact, the term muddy color is an energy seen with the Spiritual (Third) Eye that has no more brilliance than normal earth colors.  If you haven't already heard the term, you will, and now you know what the term means.
7505      You need not go anywhere to become sufficiently expert in spiritual matters and the True Laws of God, and once you have some experience, you are free to venture elsewhere in creation (carefully, of course); no trips to Mars first time out!  The stupid grinners 'who know so much' fall victim to this one every time.
7506      Even though while UP IN THE SPIRIT you can learn to call Spirit Entities into your presence, it can be dangerous for even the experienced and spiritually fatal for the halfcocked!  No!  They will not show you the location of gold or any other treasures.  Nor will they bestow upon you any powers whatsoever.  And, finally:  they will not inform you of what dog, horse, or anything else will win tomorrow, nor give you sure-fire winning lottery numbers!  They will not do any of those things BECAUSE THEY CAN'T!
7507      Some of them will help you learn, and they will answer sensible questions, but they will not play your silly games!  Others will pretend Righteousness and if anyone is idiotic enough to accept their every word as god, law and gospel just because the entity is a spirit as many spiritualists do with their 'guides', is a total idiot and should also accept an alley apple (rock, half a brick) as something to eat!
7508      However, the Planes of Heaven, like everything else, are made of light!  And that light material will form instantly in obedience to your slightest thought, or delusion, and since time doesn't exist there as it does here, you are apt to think your creation has been there all along or is the entity you summoned.
7509      Now you know how Christians have seen a bearded Jesus!
7510      So, be careful, and study!
7511      You can delude yourself very easily out there, as the material of the Planes is extremely obedient!  You can form images of anything – dogs, cats, dragons, people – and those images will do anything you think for them to do!  That should be your first clue that the entity is of your own making!
7512      However, a talking dog would be a show-business gold mine but they're common in the Planes!
7513      Not that dogs have any more communications out there, or that anyone still owns them; former owners make astral images of former pets, and since the light energy material of the Planes is so cooperative, that image will talk on command of thought!  How many times have you wished that a pet or some object could talk?  Up in the Heavens just wishing is more than enough direction for the light material to obey!  Down in the Depths is an entirely different matter!
7514      Conversations from these images often seem to be spontaneous even though it's THOUGHT directed!
7515      You have several levels of consciousness going at the same time:  heartbeat, breath, digestion, growth and body repair, while you see, hear, touch, taste and smell, as during a meal; and yet you can talk and think about an entirely different subject at the time.
7516      While all this is going on, the memory process is going full blast, giving you conscious control over the voluntary processes!  You don't consciously direct the involuntary or automatic processes, and it is this level of consciousness that directs astral images.
7517      That's why self-created astral images always tell the person what that person wants to hear!


7518      'Christians' talk to 'gee-sus' and the image never condemns Sunday Sabbaths even though Sabbath breaking is a death penalty offense!  Exodus 31:15!  The most any of the deluded have ever been chastised by these images is when they 'knew the Lord disapproved' of one jackass thing or another.
7519      Several years before The Anointing, The Anointed belonged to The Assembly of God Church (Carolina, West Virginia (USA), the same congregation as the "Snit Sisters"), one of the hallelujah halfwit churches as a testimony against them, and that church was well known for its reputed spiritual works and manifestations.  There were two 'sisters' of the church, both living in adultery at the time, and both were reputedly 'saved' and 'baptized by the Holy Ghost' yet neither had been brought into condemnation for the adultery, either by the 'spirit' or the church leaders!
7520      Then the fun began:  during one of the 'revivals' both had spiritual visions!  Both saw 'gee-sus', both saw him on the same night, and he looked to both exactly like the picture on the church wall:  long hair, beard, blood stained hands, and all!  Any one of the points should have told the tale:  Immanuel didn't wear a beard since he was of the Essene sect; long hair on a man is against Holy Law; and crucified people were nailed through the wrists since the hands will not support the weight of a body!
7521      Now get the final drift:  one of the women always crammed her marital situation down everybody's throat in an effort to make everybody accept it (just like the racemixers who have destroyed their own lives and want everybody else to do the same!); while the other always crammed her forgiveness by Jesus down all the rest of the congregation and anybody else she could approach.
7522      In short, one didn't have any guilt and the other was forgiven!
7523      Right?  Wrong!
7524      Once forgiven you've got to stop!  In fact, forgiveness comes after you've stopped and are living your life according to the True Laws of God!  And that includes making full restitution for any obligations incurred, whether damages or child support.
7525      But guess what 'gee-sus' told these two women?
7526      "One had nothing to be forgiven for and the other was forgiven!"  Identical situations, different 'judgments', and in neither case were their henpecked husbands even mentioned!
7527      And, would you believe it?  The congregation accepted both versions!  Not only that, afterwards they held both women as high spiritual leaders in the church!  After all, hadn't 'gee-sus' talked to them?  Wasn't it a sign from the Lord when 'he' appeared to them?  The fact that Lucifer just wanted to see how idiotic of a scam they'd accept was never questioned.
7528      The Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths of the Reflecting Ether show that everything these women claimed, from their first 'spiritual' experience through their 'salvation' and 'baptisms' actually happened as they said they did!  And that includes the 'vision of gee-sus'.  And those records also show that both women were deluded every step of the way right along with the rest of that hallelujah halfwit congregation!
7529      Lucifer didn't have to waste much energy at all on these two, and a great many more like them, as they did most of it to themselves!
7530      Another thing you might wonder about in The Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths concerning this case:  The Anointed One called both of them liars and was soundly rebuked!
7531      Now, all that congregation that have died are burning including both women, the deacons and the minister, and their husbands (except the first ones!).  Lucifer really loves these kind, so don't be one of his victims as the result of your own stupidity.
7532      If you've created an image out there, accidentally or otherwise, you can also dissolve it, but only if you have your mind made up one way or the other!  Halfway measures will not work. Doubts, or even the suggestion of doubts, and you've just failed; so you are going to have to learn to make up your mind in absolute detail!
7533      If you practice on the material while within the confines of your own property, you will learn quickly and not run into any problems you can't handle easily.
7534      Should you encounter any Demons whatsoever, and you are a Proven Knower with an offered affidavit, you can just mention the Angelic name of The Anointed, and those Demons will leave you alone to the extent you want them to!
7535      But take warning:  The Anointed's name will not work for anybody else until The Anointed himself personally authorizes it!
7536      The Angelic name of The Anointed is:  Lord King El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH; and is translated as:  He That is Called by The Name of God!  El Aku actually means in Angelic:  He That Brings The Light of God to Dark Places!
7537      For a good lesson in the use – or misuse – of an Anointed's name, read Acts 19:13 through 20 which was the original chapter of script.
7538      You have been informed and warned!

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