Anointed of God PATHFINDERS of Elijah, Inc. 
Chapter Thirteen – The Price of Playing God Gets Higher!

Each and every word, statement and claim Verified by The Most High, Himself!
The Whole and Ancient Truth you were never told and were FORBIDDEN to question!
Over 40% Translated out of Angelic, the Language of the Heavens.

Wisdom as Ancient as all Creation!

More Powerful than the Bible, Qur'an, Bhagavad Gita
Lankavatara Sutra, Upanishads and Tipitaka combined.
Exposing false prophets, Doctrines of Death and demonic-possessions
of Catholicism, Christianity, Islam, Ashkenazis, Buddhism,
Politicians, Priests, Preachers and other liars.



1341      ""Of all the living creatures I have created, My Own Holy Anointeds are dearest unto Me, because My Own Holy Anointeds are My Own Holy Anointeds by their own earned right.
1342      ""Therefore, are they My Kings of Righteousness in all My Creation, and My Lords of Justice in all My Judgments.
1343      ""For My Own Holy Anointeds are worthy of their own selves, and not because I made them any provision above any other living creature.
1344      ""Therefore, are they My True Sons.""

1345      The following Monday with some bodies still unaccounted for, Bobby was called up front to the Warden's office.  Warden Buck was fully aware that the Masons had just gotten the first of a long line of horrors and that Bobby's revenge was nowhere near satisfied.  He also knew that November 22nd was Bobby's wedding anniversary, and the day would make Catholic and world history!  The forces were already set in motion to trigger if Bobby's terms were not met in infinite detail.  The fact government had no intention of doing so, regardless of who had to die, was beside the point.
1346      They chatted about the prison system in general, agreed that to run any system 'in the name of the people' as a graft machine was totally unforgivable!  They disagreed that this was the situation present, but Warden Buck was damned careful not to call Bobby a liar about it!  Nor would he permit his own administration to be investigated by anybody who had done time, especially at Pendleton!  He knew damned well the inmate-victims knew the when, where and by whom the graft machine operated.
1347      There had been scandals in the prison before, like the fire in the mattress factory, which was caused by a daddy and punk leaving a lighted cigarette in their love nest.  Then only a few weeks following, the fire in paint manufacturing, located in the same building but on the ground floor, which was an out-and-out accident!  Of course the officials then bragged of 'their investigation' into arson!
1348      Horse puckey!  It was an accident and they all damned well knew it!  But at all costs when front-page glory is available, they have to play the 'big bad god' of an official.

1349      [INSERT:  Don't think so?  Then explain the media appearance of every crackpot 'elected' official giving their 'input' at each and every media event:  accidents, disasters, and socialist-oriented episodes across the spectrum, and can't do a god-damned thing about any of it!  It's a bit more understandable when a victim is also an elected or appointed official, but from public assassinations to fires is absolute asininity!  You will note the same level of 'elected official' absence when it's a governmental-liability situation, such as a collapsing bridge or the like.
1350      The most idiotic of all, interviewing some 'celebrity' under the pretence they possess some totally nonexistent 'expertise' simply because they're well known or have a recognized name!  Making a good phonograph record, playing a good role in a motion picture or stage play or being a world-class athlete DOES NOT automatically give one absolute, know-all-about-everything, infallible knowledge, wisdom nor expertise.  But you damned sure can't tell that from the media selling socialism or other degeneracy as reputed 'news'!
1351      And ask yourself, how many times have you seen any member of the Council on Foreign Relations identified as a NON-government entity?  They're ALWAYS presented as 'experts' – but NEVER as a private-but-not-public organization dedicated to World Socialism!  NEVER!
1352      The stupidity of the news media assisting this idiotic stance is nothing short of appalling.  Nevertheless, brothers will be brothers among the god-damned socialists, Masons, Knights of Columbus, Temple Israel and all other such jackass 'ideologies' and morally bereft organizations.  And especially among the god-damned Masons and Knights of Columbus!]

1353      Warden Buck conceded that this was the way the game was played, and only for the good of the incumbents, officials and anyone else on government payroll.  Bobby informed him that even so, it was a gutless, yellow-bellied, back biting, dirty bunch of bitches and sons-of-bitches at best that would stoop to such a thing, and added, "If the populace is stupid enough to permit it, then they don't deserve one damned bit better.  If they're too god-damned gutless, corrupt, socialized and liberalized to take these thieving sons-of-bitches by the neck, stand them against the wall and shoot them to a body, then by God, they deserve to be enslaved by them!"
1354      Warden Buck had to agree with Bobby, for like every other prosperous grafter, he wanted to live to spend it.
1355      Buck brought up the subject of Bobby's case, and the supposed 'law and justice' of it.  He made every pitch except 'we're not that kind of an organization'!  He spared no attempt, other than threats, to get Bobby to relinquish his death grip on them.  He was wasting his time.  This was one fight every god-damned politician on the planet was going to lose!  Exhoneration and restitution, or death!  There were no other terms, no other conditions!  Whether or not Warden Buck could get a concession was of terminal importance to 'the most-powerful Catholic'!  Someone had gotten to him and laid out the consequences of failure – in no uncertain terms – and Warden Buck didn't like the fact his ass was on that very same line.  However many bodies the bastards thought Bobby's railroading was worth, Bobby was more than willing to multiply!
1356      He could, he would, and he did!  Among the Masons, Knights of Columbus, Temple Israel, One World Government Socialists, Manipulators and Controllers, there is a great deal of metaphysical cum parapsychological information, one part of which is the knowledge about a one, a somebody, to fear.  You will not hear the 'preachers' and other liars even broach the subject, but Immanuel gave it in very clear presentation:
1357      Matthew 10:28, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul:  but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
1358      And Luke 12:4, "And I say unto you my friends, be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.  (Luke 12:5, continuing) But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear:  Fear him, which after he has killed has power to cast into hell; Yea, I say unto you, fear him."
1359      The True Anointed of The Most High in each and every Generation has both those powers and those authorities, and all the above-mentioned damned well know it.  They'd slaughtered, defamed and abused all the previous Anointeds, and since they controlled all the relevant media, police, arrest, prosecution and court authorities, covering their own asses was never a problem.  However, unlike all the previous Anointeds, this Anointed was Ordained to Fight!  And he is damned good at it.  Bobby may well have been wearing a number, 45289, but he had all their filthy asses up for the Grand Fire Sale and no intentions whatsoever of watering down the torch!  All the god-playing and evidence manufacturing and truth-suppressing bastards would get Justice in the exact same measure and exact set of terms they dispensed it.  The same applies yet today.

1360      [INSERT:  There are some still living (2004) who were firsthand perpetrators of that damned railroading atrocity of Bobby, all of whom have their own Hotter Than Hot Firepit already aflame and waiting their worthless and doomed asses.  The rest have already made the trip and Bobby has turned up the brimstone.
1361      They are NOT going to escape now, regardless of what they do to attempt restitution and/or exoneration, because they should have done all that on Day One!  Then there's the matter of all that accumulated interest over these forty-plus years .  .  .]

1362      Full exoneration and full restitution or Eternal Burning Death!  There were no other terms, no other conditions!  Whether or not Warden Buck could get a concession was of terminal importance to 'the most powerful Catholic'!  Someone had gotten to him and laid out the consequences of failure in no uncertain terms, and Warden Buck didn't like the fact his ass was on that very same line!  The forces had been set in order and were now irretrievably in motion, except for the delivery of Bobby's terms and conditions to the infinite degree!  Neither God in all his power, nor man in all his stupidity, would stop the tide of vengeance!
1363      God couldn't intervene without making himself a liar!  Man wouldn't intervene because he'd have to admit he is a liar!
1364      Warden Buck pleaded on behalf of his dead brothers whom he had chanted for, knowing that they were doomed to Eternal Burning at Bobby's Curse!  He pleaded for their wives, whores and families, who had also paid the same terrible price.  Buck pleaded that the women shouldn't have to suffer just because they were the bed partners of the real culprits.  Bobby's position remained unchanged.  Anyone who knowingly eats a stolen meal is equally guilty of the thievery (remember Wayne Collins?).  As in the 'practice of law', ignorance is no excuse!  These wives and whores had, were, and still are, willingly taking the penises and semen of these murderous, merciless, filthy bastards and will therefore burn right along beside them!  No exceptions!
1365      Warden Buck enlisted the help of some of the office staff, but Bobby was adamant.  He would not be moved.  Even the suggestion of 'favors' from one of the office females didn't budge him.  He simply told her to start charging like a decent whore!
1366      Bobby made no unclear points:  they were all guilty!  As far as he was concerned they were all accessories to, before and after the fact, and although he knew for sure and certain they'd never be called into account before any court on earth except his own, he continued to enforce the charges.
1367      Then came the fatal day of reckoning.
1368      Friday, November 22nd, 1963.
1369      It was like any other autumn day, Bobby awoke fuming.  He was boiling mad that this bunch of gutless cocksuckers would try him to the limit, knowing damned well he'd kill somebody and then they'd plead:  'you didn't have to do that'.
1370      They had no intention of giving up their power and exposing their corruption and abuses, regardless of how many he killed!  Or so they thought.
1371      That was fine with Bobby.  He'd rather kill one of the bastards than eat!  Today, at 1:30 PM local mean time (12:30 PM Dallas time) he'd do just that.
1372      At lunch Warden Buck ordered an early and special menu for farm long count.  It didn't buy one solitary second!  They'll support each other to the limit as long as it's someone else's death, but they will not concede one penny of graft or one second of injustice as 'their fault'.  Only the dying son-of-a-bitch will admit that!
1373      A few minutes after returning to the farm office from the Dairy Barn the news broke, right on schedule!  It was too late in the day for Bobby to arrive at his home in Dayton, Ohio, from Pendleton, Indiana, in time for an anniversary dinner with his wife.  Now death would claim the most powerful Catholic. The world's attention was focused on Dallas, Texas, United States of America.  The first Catholic President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot from ambush and murdered, by government agents, in full view of the parade watchers!
1374      The President of the United States, at least at that time, had more power than all the Popes combined!
1375      The most powerful Catholic was dead!
1376      Charges, cover-ups, and counter-charges would continue for years, but The Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths reveal all the truth!  They make damned interesting viewing!  And they will remain there for your inspection.
1377      President Kennedy, like that bone-headed Eisenhower before him, had been written to about the atrocity being attempted on Bobby, and just like Eisenhower, he didn't do a damned thing about it!  He was a Knight of Columbus, and therefore obviously in on the graft machines!  It proved to be a fatal association!
1378      Bobby had set the terms and delivered the body!
1379      Not even the President of the United States is above the Holy Law of The Most High.  Nor is he above the Curse of the Holy Anointed!
1380      They were beaten.  Now there would be a total extermination of all Knights of Columbus, all members of the Masonic Lodge, and all Princes of Temple Israel.  That extermination was to include the Eternal Burning of all members of the relative organizations of all three temples and all the blood relations of all the memberships.  There would be no mercy!  They had shown none.  They would get none.  The sentence has been handed down from the Very Hand of The Holy Anointed, and like an Anointed's Curse, will sustain and prevail for ages on end, generation after generation, until all Justice is fulfilled.
1381      Warden Buck sent his own personal car to the farm office.  He wanted Bobby to witness for himself the efforts being made to comply with his demands.  Bobby spent the weekend watching televised coverage on Warden Buck's color set.  His meals were brought to him from the officer's mess by prison guards and employees, not inmates.
1382      President Johnson ordered an official day of mourning for the following Monday, November 25th, 1963, and all government offices were to be closed, and all government administrative functions were to be left for Tuesday, or later.
1383      Not so at Pendleton!
1384      That Monday morning Bobby walked through the opened doors of the prison.  His wife and brother Billy drove over from Dayton, Ohio, to take him home.  In spite of the fact that it was an official national day of mourning, it was for Bobby a Universal Day of Victory!
1385      We haven't taken the time, nor wasted the energy, to see what rubberizing has been done to the official records.  Even so, you can bet your best pair of bootheels they will not coincide with the immutable Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths of the Planes of Heaven!  They can alter all the records they damned well please – and literally thousands of records have already been altered, manufactured, deleted, et cetera – The Testimony of The Most High that each and every word, statement and claim including the inserts and commentaries in this book are THE TRUTH and supersedes their damned lies, manufactured, altered, deleted and/or suppressed 'evidences' point blank, and without exception!
1386      The final attempt at submission was in Dayton.  The number two jackass of the parole or probation department of Ohio, a kak-jew, came by to see Bobby at his home.  He asked Bobby what Bobby thought of the situation, suggesting that Bobby 'just set aside' the time in incarceration he had done.  Bobby lit into him with both barrels!  It wasn't some three and one-half YEARS out of 'his' life, it was some three and one-half YEARS – from arrest to body count – out of Bobby's life!  That arrogant bastard was read the riot act in no uncertain terms and told just exactly where he could shove his probation, all of his god-damned regulations, all of his 'authority' and his god-damned 'convictions'!  If he wanted to stay alive to enjoy his share of the graft, he had damned well better make himself scarce and never cross Bobby's path ever again under any circumstance for any reason.  Bobby never heard from him or anyone else of that department again!  You see, a DELIVERED body count works every time, and NOTHING ELSE DOES!
1387      We suppose the status of The Anointed is that of an exconvict, but if it ever gets in his way, the body count will be increased to whatever number is sufficient for it to be put back OUT of his way!  Hell itself didn't get cooled off even though Bobby was given a full reenfranchisement a few days later.  Neither was the penalty Bobby had Cursed upon all the Grand and Local Masonic Lodges, Knights of Columbus, Temple Israel Kak-Jews and all the other One World Government socialists and manipulators in their association.  In fact, his Curse was expanded and continued because the bastards who perpetrated the atrocity were never brought to justice!
1388      Warden Buck was relieved to have Bobby out of his hair at any cost.  A while before, Bobby had killed Buck's favorite whore for talking down her nose at him.  She learned in no uncertain terms that her ass wasn't Bobby-proof regardless of how well she could romp a mattress.
1389      Now you know how it began.  It's all there for everyone to see and study in The Holy Scripts of All The Heavens and All The Earths.  Regardless of how many distortions, forgeries, deletions, additions and changes have been made to the 'official' records that will be presented as evidence against The Anointed and This Holy Record, the bastards cannot change the Akashic Records and they are open for all individuals to go see for themselves.
1390      The fire and fury Bobby had unleashed came in the form of burning cities, rampaging Blacks letting off steam with the influx of communist money and organization.  They burned their way into a 'liberal' society where they are worse off than ever, and which they must remove with as much violence as it took to establish the mess.  Be assured, the socialists will not surrender to any weak-kneed, namby-pamby 'request'.  They will have to be blown and blasted from their strangleholds and shoveled out like the rest of the trash and garbage.
1391      Their fires caused the creation of dozens of 'social service' organizations funded with scads of 'humor the nigger' money, but in reality delivers little more of the good promise of America than a drunkard's vomit.  The communists and socialists called liberals deliberately drained the nation's economy with welfare programs.  That, and that alone, is the real purpose of those programs.
1392      With the influx of 'open housing', 'bussing to achieve a racial balance', and 'affirmative action', the crime rate, rampant narcotics abuse, and illiterate high school and college graduates have become the standard.  Under the guise of 'crime prevention' they're advocating gun control!
1393      Do not be misled:  the facts are – step one:  gun control – step two:  slavery!
1394      You have been warned!
1395      For those who would like to know about Bobby's earlier life, it's all written in the book "Saga of The Road to Nashville" the often-tragic, often-hilarious account of his escapades in entertainment mingled with politics and religion.
1396      For those who would like to know what Bobby has been doing since his release, you can read all about it in the remainder of these volumes and some of it in the remainder of this book.
1397      Some will read this account, and doubt.  They are the ones that are too stupid or gutless to try The Proof of The Anointing.
1398      Some will read this account, and fume.  They are the ones on the Curse list of the Masonic Lodge, Knights of Columbus and Temple Israel.
1399      Some will read this account, and be appalled.  They are the 'christians' who will populate hell unless they wake up to the facts of The Anointing.
1400      Some will read this account, and remember.  They were there when it came down in all its horror and fury and they know these things are true!
1401      A few will recall those who died at the hands of the Masons, Temple Israel Kak-Jews and the Knights of Columbus as in the contrived situations in the prisons at Attica, New York and more recently in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Perhaps in a quiet apology for not being able to prevent their suffering, those few will place a solitary rose on the murdered prisoner's graves or in a vase in their memory.
1402      A rose is sort of a good luck charm to The Akurians, and to Bobby in particular.  It is the highest tribute we can give one another.  A rose says it all, in times of happiness and in times of sorrow, every word, every unspoken thought, every emotion, every concern.  But like everything else this side of The Great Veil, the rose is not perfect.
1403      It doesn't have the sender's name.


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